Week 3 of Inktober 2017

Drawing of a howling wolf in pen and ink

Here are my pictures for the third week of Inktober. I’m still having a lot of fun and satisfied to see my sketchbooks filling up nicely too.

Tree stump - Inktober day 15
The official Inktober theme was mysterious and I really couldn’t think what to draw until I spotted this tree stump photo I took at Black Park. At the front there is what looks like a tiny face, so I thought it was something different for the theme.

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Week 1 of Inktober 2017

2017 is my third Inktober, though having recently moved house it’s probably the most chaotic! I’m between houses so I can’t really unpack anything for a while yet, but I have opened the art supply boxes. Because priorities.

I’m posting quick photos of my work each day to my Twitter account, so if you want to get an earlier look at my new drawings and illustrations, that’s where to look. Proper scanned pictures get posted to Flickr the following day.

If you’re doing Inktober I’d love to hear how you’re getting on. If you’re not, don’t be shy joining in or looking on social media at what others are doing. I think most are using #inktober and #inktober2017 hashtags.


Pen and ink drawing of a deer
Day 1 – Deer sketch – Turned out paler than I was intending, but still fun and a good warm-up drawing.

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My Drawings for Inktober (2016)

Here are my pictures for Inktober 2016.

I wanted to really focus on improving my technique and developing a style for my ink drawings. I’ve also uploaded larger versions to my Flickr account here if you’d like to see them in detail.


Week 1


Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

The iRat

Cartoon of a rat dragging a toy rat onto a charging pad. Drawn in ink with watercolour pencil. A6 sized.

For an art theme of energy, I present the iRat. A rat grimly struggles to drag his battery-powered mate onto the charging pad for a re-charge.

You could read all sorts into this – maybe I was trying to say something about Apple device battery issues, or predicting some grim society where even the rats need a virtual buddy. Truth is, I just had this image pop into my head with a rat dragging his mate by the tail, started laughing and doodled it.

This is a tiny A6 sketch using watercolour pencils and ink on some card. The colours came out softer than I’d have liked, but they still work.

Cartoon of a rat dragging a toy rat onto a charging pad. Drawn in ink with watercolour pencil. A6 sized.
iRat – a rat grimly drags his mate onto the charging pad. A6 watercolour pencil on card.